ECOOP 2015
The European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming covers all areas of object technology and related software development technologies. The 29th edition takes place 5-10 July, 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic. The program committee accepted 31 papers out of 136 submission. In addition the program includes 13 workshops, the doctoral symposium, the summer school and a code sprint.
![]() | The Junior Dahl-Nygaard Prize went to Alex Summers for contributions to models, languages and tools for reasoning about programs. The Senior Prize was awarded to Bjarne Stroustrup for the design, implementation and evolution of C++. |
![]() | ECOOP is Open Access, proceedings are available free of charge under a CC-BY license from Download all papers from this link. |
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The ECOOP Distinguished Paper Award goes to Towards Practical Gradual Typing. |
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The ECOOP Distinguished Artifact Awards go to A Pattern Calculus for Rule Languages: Expressiveness, Compilation, and Mechanization and Scalable and Precise Static Analysis of JavaScript Applications via Loop-Sensitivity. |
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The Artifact Evaluation Committee awarded seals to papers with artifacts that meet or exceed expectations set in the paper. Accepted artifacts are available in the brand new Dagstuhl Artifacts Series (DARTS) as DARTS, Vol 1, Issue 1, 2015. |
The Poster Committee composed of Petr Maj, Cliff Click, Laurence Tratt and Christian Hammer, awarded the Distinguished Poster prize to "Simple and effective type check removal through lazy basic block versioning" by Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert and Marc Feeley. |
The Curry On talks are available here.
Sun, July 5th | Mon, July 6th | Tue, July 7th | Wed, July 8th | Thu, July 9th | Fri, July 10th |
Live-Programming |
Curry On | ECOOP | |||
R Implementation |
Scripts to Programs |
Machine Learning | |||
Inheritance etc. |
JavaScript Analysis |
Formal Techniques |
Context Orientation |
Analysis for Security |
Language Evolution |
Doctoral Symposium |
OO Implementation |
Truffle/Graal |
Summer School | ||
Networking meets PL |
Domain-Specific Lang. |
Invited Speakers

Encapsulating replication, high concurrency and consistency with CRDTs
Marc Shapiro

Everything old is new again: Quoted domain specific languages
Philip Wadler

Synthesis and Verification for Everyone
Emina Torlak

It Probably Works
Tyler McMullen

The State of (Open Source) SDN and Programming Languages Opportunities
Colin Dixon

Taming Uncertainty, Scale, and Change: A Programming Language Perspective
Suresh Jagannathan

Some of the Things That Macros Do
Zach Tellman

Graceful Programming --- Teaching Introductory Programming
Kim Bruce

Akka Typed: Between Session Types and the Actor Model
Roland Kuhn

Experiments with Strengthening JavaScript
Andreas Rossberg

Software Verification "Across the Stack"
Alexander J. Summers

What - if anything - have we learned from C++? *** in room Bohemia I **
Bjarne Stroustrup

Structured Synchronous Programming
Francisco Sant'Anna

Post-FRP Frontend Programming
Bodil Stokke

QuickCheck: from invention to product
Thomas Arts

Managing Dynamic Networks: Distributed or Centralized Control?
Roger Wattenhofer

The Prague List: Open Problems in Object-Oriented Programming
Bertrand Meyer

MyPy, an Optionally-Typed Python
Jukka Lehtosalo

GS Collections: Echoes of Smalltalk’s Past
Alexander Iliev

Rust: A Type System You Didn't Know You Wanted
Felix Klock

Immutable Distributed Infrastructure with Unikernels
Anil Madhavapeddy

Let's be mainstream! User-focused design in Elm
Evan Czaplicki

JS @ 20
Brendan Eich

Program Synthesis for Network Updates
Pavol Cerny

Nimble yet Systematic Trading
Robert Grimm

LLVM for JavaScript
Filip Pizlo

Declarative Probabilistic Programming
Molham Aref

NEMO-An Intent Oriented Network Programming Language
Xia Yinben

From Dumb to Smarter Switches in Software Defined Networks: Towards a Stateful Data Plane
Antonio Capone

Crystal: a programming language for humans and computers
Ary Borenszweig, Juan Wajnerman

Bits of Advice for VM Writers
Cliff Click

Modern Concurrent Separation Logics
Philippa Gardner

Julia: Numerical Applications Pushing the Limits of Language Design
Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski

Programs Wanted: Dead or Alive
Gilad Bracha

Making Embedded Domain Specific Languages a Practical Reality
Jurriaan Hage

Object-Oriented Programming without Inheritance
Bjarne Stroustrup

Java @ Twitter - a bird's eye view
Tony Printezis

Programming in the Large for the Internet of Things
Jong-Deok Choi

Java everywhere again - with DukeScript!
Anton Epple

Enabling End Host Network Functions
Hitesh Ballani

Static and Dynamic Reasoning for SDNs
Shriram Krishnamurthi

JavaScript in the Small
Satish Chandra

Coding for Types: The Universe Pattern in Idris
David Thrane Christiansen

Policy-Compliant Path Diversity and Bisection Bandwidth
Xenofontas Dimitropoulos

Coccinelle for the Working Programmer
Julia Lawall

What, if anything, have we learned from C++?
Bjarne Stroustrup

Tern: Practical Type Inference for JavaScript Editing
Marijn Haverbeke

Empowering Spreadsheet Users with Probabilistic Programs
Andrew D. Gordon

The Evolving Design of Pyret
Shriram Krishnamurthi

Herding Weak Memory Cats
Jade Alglave

Data Manipulation using Programming By Examples and Natural Language
Sumit Gulwani

Flow: a static type checker for JavaScript
Avik Chaudhuri

Noise-based Testing of Concurrent Software
Tomáš Vojnar

Programming with Millions of Examples
Eran Yahav

Speed at a Price: The Evolution of V8 and the Challenges of Research in a Billion User VM
Ben L. Titzer

How to be a good host: miniKanren as a case study
Daniel Friedman, Jason Hemann

Pyro – Typing Python in Python
Alex Muscar

Servant: a type-level DSL for web APIs
Julian Arni

Verifying Correctness of Statefull Networks
Mooly Sagiv