ECOOP 2015 (series) / Valentine Gogichashvili

Registered user since Tue 23 Jun 2015
Name:Valentine Gogichashvili
As Head of Data Engineering at Zalando, I manage one of the largest PostgreSQL installations in the world as well as the team of database specialists responsible for it. Since joining Zalando in 2010, one of my primary activities has been to help our growing team of engineers to migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL. I have been working with databases and data for more than 17 years, and began my career as an Oracle Developer and DBA. I am a frequent speaker at PostgreSQL conferences and love to share my experiences about the ways how developers can retain high speed of development while entrusting their data to a proven, powerful and open-source relational database.
Personal website:
Research interests:Data processing, data storage, software architecture
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