Registered user since Mon 2 Nov 2015
Tomas Vojnar focuses on automated verification, especially over infinite-state and concurrent systems. In the former area, his work has included formal verification of parameterized systems, abstract regular model checking, and shape analysis of programs with pointers and dynamic linked data structures. He has also worked on efficient ways of dealing with various kinds of non-deterministic automata and logics, with applications in the above mentioned verification approaches. As for concurrent programs, he has mainly worked in the area of their noise-based testing and dynamic analysis, self-healing, as well as applications of search techniques in noise-based testing. His works won multiple best paper awards, such as the EATCS Best Theory Paper Award of ETAPS’10, the best tool paper of RV’12, as well as multiple medals in the international software verification competition SV-COMP’12-14, including a Goedel medal at the FLoC Olympic Games 2014.
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