ECOOP 2015
Sun 5 - Fri 10 July 2015 Prague, Czech Republic
Molham Aref

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Name:Molham Aref

About the Speaker: Molham Aref is the founder and CEO of LogicBlox and Predictix. He has over 23 years of experience leading teams that deliver high-value predictive and prescriptive analytics solutions to some of the world’s largest enterprises. Previously, he was CEO of Optimi (acquired by Ericsson), a leader in wireless network simulation and optimization, and co-founder of Brickstream (now Nomi), a leading provider of computer-vision-based behavior intelligence solutions. Molham has held senior leadership positions at Retek (now Oracle Retail) and HNC Software (now FICO). He received his bachelor’s in Computer Engineering, M.S. in Electrical Engineering, and M.S in Computer Science from Georgia Tech.

Research interests:Logic programming, analytics


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