ECOOP 2015 (series) / Jong-Deok Choi

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Name:Jong-Deok Choi
Jong-Deok Choi is an Executive Vice President at Samsung Electronics managing its Software R&D Center (SWC). He led Samsung’s effort for the development of the Tizen Open Source Platform for smart devices, such as smart phones, tablets, IVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment), etc ( He is a Co-Chair of the Tizen’s Technical Steering Group. Jong-Deok Choi worked at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center as a Research Staff Member and Manager. There worked on compiler and debugging technologies. He has numerous publications and patents on subjects such as interprocedural dataflow analysis, pointer analysis, escape analysis of threads, extent analysis of Java, execution replay, and datarace detection.
Country:Korea, South
Affiliation:Samsung Electronics
Personal website:
Research interests:Tizen Open Source Platform, JavaScript, Mobile applications
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