Registered user since Fri 30 Jan 2015
I am, Amanj Sherwany, a PhD student at the Faculty of Informatics of the Universita` della Svizzera italiana (University of Lugano - USI). I am working with the Lugano Language Lab group under the supervision of Prof. Nate Nystrom. I have M.Sc. in Computer Science at Uppsala University (grad. 2011). I studied B.Sc. in Software Engineering at Salahaddin University, and graduated in 2006. I am from Erbil, one of the oldest cities in the world, and I am Kurdish from Kurdistan.
I used to be a poet, but the deeper I go into computer science, the less talented I get! Seriously, being a computer scientist makes you a senseless guy! I also enjoy reading Kurdish poetry, both old and new. I adore Hajî Qadirî Koyî, and I think he was one very unique guy. I also enjoy Ebdulla Peşêw, Salim Sahêbqiran, Mistefa Begî Kurdî, Nalî, Mehwî, Qubadî Celîzade and Renc Sengawî.
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